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We Represent Employers During Internal and External Audits and Investigations

Audits and investigations targeting employment-related issues can arise in various contexts. Employers will often need to conduct internal audits and investigations to assess compliance and evaluate employee complaints. Employee complaints can lead to government audits and investigations as well—and these external inquiries can often present significant risks for employers. At Stembridge Taylor, we are highly experienced in representing employers during internal and external audits and investigations. We rely on this experience to help our clients make informed decisions at every turn.

Internal Employment Audits and Investigations

All companies need to prioritize employment law compliance. From anti-discrimination to workplace safety and from hiring and recruitment practices to conducting reductions in force, compliance is (or should be) a factor in virtually all aspects of companies’ employment practices. While implementing custom-tailored policies and procedures is an essential first step for maintaining compliance, this is not sufficient on its own.

Employment Law Compliance Audits

To avoid compliance deficiencies and remedy compliance deficiencies when they occur, companies need to audit their employment practices. This requires a thorough understanding of the company’s employment practices and all of the various state and federal laws that apply. With our focus on employment law, we can efficiently conduct internal audits for our clients, and we can help them use the information gathered through the audit process to update their employment policies and procedures as necessary.

Employment-Related Investigations

In addition to conducting compliance audits, employers will need to conduct targeted investigations in many circumstances. For example, if an employee alleges harassment, discrimination, or retaliation, conducting a prompt investigation will be imperative for developing an appropriate response. Likewise, if a company has concerns about workers compensation fraud or employee theft, conducting a swift investigation can be essential for protecting the company’s assets and determining what legal action, if any, is warranted.

If your company needs to conduct an employment-related investigation, it will be essential to rely on the advice and representation of experienced employment law counsel. At Stembridge Taylor, we rely on decades of experience to advise our clients regarding internal investigations, and we can manage the entire process on your company’s behalf if desired.

External Employment Audits and Investigations

External employment audits and investigations can present significant risks for employers. A prompt and effective response is critical, and, in many cases, this will begin with conducting an internal audit in order to determine what risks (if any) need to be addressed. We handle external audits and investigations involving the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation Enforcement Division, and all other federal and state agencies.


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